Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Comer Jengkol y Petai, ¿hay impacto en la salud?

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Comer Jengkol y Petai, ¿hay impacto en la salud?


Yakarta, Mbak, a mi marido le gusta la comida que huele a jengkol y petai. ¿Qué tan saludable es Mbak si a menudo come jengkol mismo petai? Si la mayor parte de lo que realmente puede afectar los riñones? ¿También porque la orina está turbia? Para orinar no huele mal, ¿es cierto que tenemos que comer vitamina B? No hay efectos secundarios Mbak, comer jengkol y seguido de tomar vitamina B? Ayu (Mujer, 30 años) Respuesta Hola Mba Ayu, si se demuestra que el jengkol produce agua turbia y hace que los cálculos renales sean pequeños e irriten los riñones. La vitamina B es una vitamina soluble en agua, generalmente de color amarillo, por lo que, por lo general, si después de tomar suplementos de vitamina B, la orina será de color amarillo brillante. Bueno, la semilla de jengkol también contiene muchas vitaminas B, por lo que los efectos del ácido djenkólico no son demasiado visibles. Entonces, si realmente te gusta comer jengkol, puedes agregarlo para beber el complejo vitamínico B.Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster en Nutrición y Dietética (Expert Nutrition) de la Universidad de Sydney. Con especial interés en el programa de dieta para las dietas del programa de modificación oncológica, cardiológica, diabetes, gastrointestinal y de vida. Family Nutrition Clinician Sigue a twitter @Leona_victoria. (Hrn / vit)



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Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Limit Carbohydrate Intake, Eka Lower Weight 18 Kg in 5 Months

Limit Carbohydrate Intake, Eka Lower Weight 18 Kg in 5 Months

    Balikpapan - In order to lose weight reaching 82 kg, Eka Yunianti (28) trying to find the right way to change his diet. Now he managed to reduce the weight as much as 18 kg in 5 months.Ya, now women with height 163 cm is becoming more confident with the weight of 64 kg. Eka's selected diet is a low-carbohydrate diet. Here's the experience Eka lose weight with diet and exercise, as written detikHealth on Tuesday (28/2/2017): I choose to undergo low-carbohydrate diet for approximately 5 months. During that time I also tried to limit foods containing many carbohydrates such as rice, bread, pastries, chocolates and drinks with artificial sweeteners. Every morning I eat fruits like apples, papaya, pear, dragon fruit, or any fruit with a glass of green tea. If there is no green tea, can be replaced with low fat milk or low fat milk. For the day, I eat as usual with side dishes and vegetables. Then I also snack fruits again. If it's late afternoon I'm hungry, I usually eat vegetables like capcay or soup, or fruit juice. The exercise routine I do is at least 3 hours a week. Initially I like the fast road in the morning, over time I was used to run slowly without a road of at least 2 km. With this method I do not feel 'tortured' because I can still eat well as long as the food does not contain many carbohydrates like starchy. In a week I also get used to cheating day, where I can consume karbo menu like cookies but still with a little capacity. Originally heavy because I used to eat rice, but by multiply eating fruits and vegetables automatically our mindset for long will get used to. The point with the intention that really InshaAllah the result will be perfect. Say no to icip-icip, because I think with the taste of tempting to eat with a lot of portions will be even greater. Good luck yes, remain confident and keep the spirit. Also read: Umar Locks Down Weight 17 Kg: Drink Lime and Fruit Breakfast (ajg / vit)